The Ultimate Guide to the epifitter Package in R

Explore valuable documentation and insights to make the most of the epifitter package in R. Get ready to unlock the full potential of the epifitter package!

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What is the epifitter package?

In this section, we’ll delve into the fundamental aspects and key features of the package.

epifitter is an R package that provides tools for fitting epidemiological models to data. It includes functions for specifying models, estimating parameters, and assessing model fit.

How to install the epifitter package?

In this section, we’ll walk you through the process of installing and loading the epifitter package. By following these steps, you can seamlessly add new functions, datasets, and other resources to your R environment for a more robust workflow.

What package information should you know?

In this section, we’ll go over the technical aspects of the epifitter package.

Key features

Technical details

How to get help with the epifitter package?

In this section, we’ll discuss a variety of available resources for getting help with the epifitter package.

Key resources

Additional resources

Explore our comprehensive guides for other R packages. These guides are valuable resources for accessing a wide range of information, making it easier to navigate R documentation in one place.

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