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R Community Directory

Discover the vibrant community behind the R language and contact R package maintainers

An R progammer working at a desk with a community directory on top

The people behind the packages

Get to know the talented individuals who enrich the R package ecosystem through their dedicated maintenance and support efforts.

In this comprehensive directory, you’ll find the names and contact information of talented programmers who play a pivotal role in the ongoing development of the R ecosystem.

As you explore the directory, you’ll gain insight into the diverse range of expertise and passion that package developers and maintainers bring to the R community, fostering collaboration and innovation within the language’s vibrant ecosystem.

Please reach out to these individuals if you have any questions about the packages they maintain.

A comprehensive directory of R community members

This table offers a comprehensive listing of R package authors and maintainers. By leveraging this directory, you can connect with like-minded professionals, seek assistance on coding challenges, and discover new packages.

The most renowned R developers

1. Hadley Wickham

Hadley Wickham is a prominent figure in the R community known for his contributions to tidyverse packages such as ggplot2, dplyr, and tidyr. He is not only an author of popular R packages but also a Chief Scientist at Posit, where he continues to innovate and improve tools for data science in R. Wickham’s expertise lies in making data manipulation and visualization more efficient and user-friendly for R users.

2. Jenny Bryan

Jenny Bryan is a well-respected R developer and educator who has made significant contributions to the R community. She is a co-author of the tidyverse package readxl and actively promotes best practices in data analysis and reproducible research.

3. Yihui Xie

Yihui Xie is a prolific R developer known for his work on interactive documents with rmarkdown, knitr, and the bookdown package. He is passionate about making data analysis and reporting more interactive and accessible to users through dynamic documents.

Appreciation for R package authors and maintainers

Developing and maintaining R packages requires dedication, expertise, and a commitment to supporting the R community. Take a moment to appreciate the hard work and contributions of R package authors and maintainers who play a crucial role in ensuring the functionality and reliability of the packages we rely on. Here are ways you can show your gratitude and support for these developers.

1. Provide feedback

Share your feedback with R package maintainers by reporting bugs, suggesting improvements, or offering praise for their work. Constructive feedback helps maintainers understand user needs and prioritize enhancements, ultimately leading to better packages for the entire community.

2. Report issues

If you encounter issues or errors while using an R package, don’t hesitate to report them to the maintainers through the appropriate channels, such as GitHub issue trackers or community forums. By reporting issues promptly and clearly, you help maintainers identify and resolve problems efficiently.

3. Contribute to documentation

Documentation is essential for users to understand how to effectively use R packages. Consider contributing to improving package documentation by suggesting clarifications, examples, or tutorials that can benefit new users and enhance the overall usability of the package.

4. Support open-source initiatives

Show your support for open-source software development by contributing financially, promoting the package on social media, or volunteering to help with community events or initiatives. Your support encourages maintainers to continue their valuable work and inspires others to get involved in the R community.

5. Say thank you

A simple “thank you” goes a long way in recognizing the efforts of R package maintainers. Take the time to express your appreciation directly to the developers through emails, social media messages, or by participating in community shout-outs or appreciation campaigns. Your words of gratitude can motivate maintainers to continue their important work.

6. Collaborate and engage

Engage with R package maintainers by collaborating on projects, attending their workshops or presentations, and participating in discussions about package development. Building positive relationships with maintainers fosters a sense of community and encourages ongoing collaboration within the R ecosystem.

Community engagement opportunities in the R ecosystem

Engaging with the R community can be a rewarding experience. Here are some ways to get involved and contribute to the vibrant R ecosystem

1. R user groups and meetups

Joining local R user groups or attending R meetups can provide valuable networking opportunities and a platform to share knowledge, best practices, and experiences with fellow R enthusiasts. These gatherings often feature presentations, workshops, and discussions on a wide range of topics related to R programming and data science.

2. Online forums and discussion platforms

Participating in online forums such as Stack Overflow, Posit Community, and R-bloggers can help you seek help, share insights, and engage with a global community of R users and developers. These platforms offer a space to ask questions, provide answers, and stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the R ecosystem.

3. R workshops and conferences

Attending R workshops, conferences, and webinars can deepen your understanding of R programming, data analysis, and statistical modeling while connecting you with industry experts and thought leaders. Events like useR! and rstudio::conf provide excellent opportunities to learn from and engage with top professionals in the field.

4. Contributing to open-source projects

Contributing to open-source R packages, documentation, or code repositories is a great way to give back to the community and improve the tools and resources available to R users worldwide. Whether through bug fixes, feature enhancements, or translations, your contributions can make a meaningful impact on the R ecosystem.

5. Mentoring and volunteering

Offering mentorship to beginners, volunteering at R-related events, or organizing R-focused initiatives within your local community are ways to support and nurture the growth of the R community. By sharing your expertise and passion for R programming, you can inspire others to explore the possibilities of data science and analytics.

Tips for contributing to R packages

Contributing to R packages is a valuable way to give back to the community, improve existing tools, and enhance the overall quality of the R ecosystem. Here are some tips to help you get started on your journey of contributing to R packages.

1. Understand the package structure

Before making contributions, familiarize yourself with the package’s structure, functions, and documentation. Read the package’s README file, study the source code, and explore the functions to understand how the package works and where your contributions can have the most impact.

2. Start with small fixes or enhancements

Begin your contribution journey by tackling small issues, such as fixing typos in documentation, improving error messages, or adding minor enhancements. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the package’s codebase and the contribution workflow without overwhelming yourself.

3. Follow contribution guidelines

Most R packages have contribution guidelines that outline the preferred style of code, formatting conventions, and instructions for submitting pull requests. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that your contributions align with the package’s standards and makes the review process smoother for maintainers.

4. Write tests for your code

When adding new features or making changes to existing code, write appropriate unit tests to ensure the functionality works as intended and remains stable across different environments. Testing your contributions helps maintain the package’s reliability and facilitates future updates.

5. Engage with the community

Seek feedback from package maintainers and the broader R community on your proposed contributions. Discuss ideas, share your progress, and ask for guidance on best practices. Engaging with the community fosters collaboration, encourages knowledge sharing, and strengthens your connections within the R ecosystem.

6. Document your changes

Document your code changes clearly and concisely in the form of comments, commit messages, and pull request descriptions. Explain the rationale behind your contributions, detail any impacts on existing functionality, and provide context for reviewers to understand the purpose of your changes.

7. Be patient and persistent

Contributing to R packages may involve multiple iterations of feedback, revisions, and discussions with maintainers. Be patient throughout the review process, address feedback constructively, and persist in refining your contributions until they meet the package’s standards and requirements.


Engaging with the R community and appreciating the efforts of authors and maintainers are essential practices that enrich the R ecosystem. By exploring our comprehensive directory of talented R authors and maintainers, you can gain insights into the diverse expertise and passion that drive the development of R packages.

As you navigate the world of R programming, remember that your involvement, contributions, and appreciation matter. By embracing these practices and values, you not only enhance your own experience but also contribute to a thriving community dedicated to pushing the boundaries of data science and analytics.

R package documentation resources

Explore our comprehensive resource guides related to various types of R documentation. These guides are valuable resources for accessing a wide range of information, making it easier to navigate R documentation in one place.

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