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R Package Websites

Explore the official websites and repositories of R packages to access documentation and community resources

Innovative R programmer at a desk, embodying creativity in leveraging R for complex statistical computations and data visualization

Navigating R package websites and repositories

Discover the official websites and GitHub pages of R packages, providing valuable documentation, guides, and community support.

Accessing these online resources allows you to deepen your understanding of package functionalities, troubleshoot issues, and engage with the developer community for additional insights and assistance.

Table of R package websites and repositories

This table provides a curated list of official websites and GitHub repositories of prominent R packages. You can use it as a centralized resource to explore other websites related to R packages and enhance your proficiency in data analysis.

Additional R package documentation resources

Explore our comprehensive resource guides related to various types of R documentation. These guides are valuable resources for accessing a wide range of information, making it easier to navigate R documentation in one place.

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