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R Built-In Datasets List

Access a wealth of built-in datasets for all R packages

An R programmer sitting at a desk looking at a dataset on a computer screen

Unveiling the wealth of built-in datasets in R

Explore our search tool to find every built-in dataset for all available R packages.

We designed this resource to cater to the diverse needs of R users, providing a one-stop destination for accessing specific datasets relevant to a myriad of projects and analyses.

Whether you’re analyzing or visualizing data, building machine learning models, or creating interactive dashboards, this extensive collection will equip you with the data you need to explore the power of R.

Find R package datasets

Search below to explore all the datasets built into R packages. Whether you’re looking to practice specific analytical techniques or simply acquaint yourself with package functionalities, this tool will streamline the installation process.

Understanding R built-in datasets

R’s built-in datasets provide a comprehensive collection of data ready for use. By using these datasets, you can bypass traditional data cleaning and management steps, directly engaging in the analytical tasks that foster decision-making and discovery.

The advantages at your fingertips

  • Immediate use: The convenience of immediate access to pre-loaded data means you can start working on your analysis the moment you open R.
  • Consistency: Built-in datasets ensure that data, variables, and structures remain consistent for different users.
  • Familiarity with data types: By working with these datasets, you get hands-on experience with various data types, which is very valuable for R beginners.
  • Educational value: These datasets serve as excellent training materials for learning data manipulation, visualization, and analysis techniques.

Enrichment of R capabilities

Datasets within R packages aren’t just there for convenience; they are an integral part of the R ecosystem, providing concrete examples for the implementation of various statistical and graphical methods. Through these datasets, you can learn by doing, as each dataset is accompanied by a myriad of functions built to analyze, transform, and visualize the data.

Navigating the landscape of R packages

The vast repository of R packages and datasets

The R ecosystem has over 20,000 packages, each designed with a specific task or domain in mind. Whether it’s data manipulation, data visualization, statistical analysis, or machine learning, there’s a package designed to make your life easier. It’s crucial to understand the specialized nature of these packages and harness the unique features they offer.

Importance of package selection

Knowing what different packages do and how they can help with your project can make your work much more efficient. It’s not just about which packages are the most popular, but rather about which ones best fit your current and future data analysis needs.

Spotlight on popular R packages

Among the sea of R packages, some shine brighter due to their widespread applicability and diverse datasets. For instance, ggplot2 is a powerhouse for graphical representation, while dplyr is a go-to for data manipulation. Both come with a rich assortment of datasets to help you understand their functionalities.

Accessing and using built-in datasets

Accessing and using the built-in datasets within R packages is a straightforward process that opens up a world of data exploration and analysis opportunities. Here’s a quick guide on how to get started.

How to access built-in datasets in R

As you can see in the table above, R comes with thousands of packages that include built-in datasets. To access these datasets, you first need to ensure that the necessary package is loaded into your R session. This can be done with the library() function and then the data() function.

Example: exploring the mtcars dataset

The mtcars dataset, which comes built-in with R, is a classic dataset that contains 11 variables for 32 automobiles. To explore this dataset within the R environment, follow these steps.

  • data(mtcars)

    • Loads the mtcars dataset into the R environment for analysis.
  • str(mtcars)

    • Displays the structure of the mtcars dataset, showing data types and initial entries in each column.
  • summary(mtcars)

    • Provides a summary of statistical measures for each variable in the mtcars dataset.
  • head(mtcars)

    • Shows the first 6 rows of the mtcars dataset to get a quick look at the initial observations.
  • tail(mtcars)

    • Displays the last 6 rows of the mtcars dataset to see the end of the dataset.
  • dim(mtcars)

    • Gives the dimensions (rows and columns) of the mtcars dataset.
  • colnames(mtcars)

    • Lists the column names of the mtcars dataset to understand the variables included.
  • unique(mtcars$cyl)

    • Shows unique values present in a specific column like cyl from the mtcars dataset.
  • subset(mtcars, mpg > 20)

    • Filters the mtcars dataset based on a specified condition, such as selecting rows where the mpg column is greater than 20.
  • cor(mtcars)

    • Shows the correlation matrix for numeric columns in the mtcars dataset, displaying relationships between variables.
  • plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$wt, main="MPG vs Weight", xlab="Miles Per Gallon", ylab="Weight")

    • Generates a scatter plot of mpg against wt from the mtcars dataset, with labeled axes and title.
  • hist(mtcars$mpg, main="Histogram of MPG", xlab="Miles Per Gallon")

    • Creates a histogram of the mpg column in the mtcars dataset, visually representing the distribution of Miles Per Gallon values.

By following these steps, you can explore and analyze the mtcars dataset in R, gaining insights into the data structure, variables, summary statistics, correlations, and visual representations.


R dataset exploration checklist

To make your journey through R datasets fruitful and engaging, follow this checklist.

  • Identify your analysis goals
    • Before you dive into the dataset repository, have a clear understanding of what you aim to achieve with your data analysis. This will guide your selection process.
  • Explore the dataset repository
    • Use the table above to find available datasets. Consider factors like the size of the dataset, relevance to your goals, and complexity.
  • Download and install your chosen R package
    • Open your R console or RStudio.
    • Use the install.packages() function to install your chosen package.
  • Load the package into your R session
    • Use the library() function to load the package.
  • Access and load your chosen dataset
    • Check the documentation to find out how to load the dataset into your R console. This usually involves a simple function like data().
  • Perform initial data exploration
    • Use the functions listed above like str(), summary(), and head() to get a feel for the data.
  • Clean and prepare your dataset
    • Handle missing values.
    • Correct data types if necessary.
    • Create new variables if needed for analysis.
  • Analyze your data
    • Employ various R functions or packages relevant to your analysis goals.
  • Report your findings
    • Summarize your insights and findings.
    • Possibly use the rmarkdown package to create a comprehensive report or presentation that includes your R code, data visualizations, and findings.
  • Reflect on your process and findings
    • Take a moment to reflect on what the data has revealed.
    • Consider ways your analysis might be improved or extended in the future.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How do I choose the right dataset for my project?

Selecting the right dataset involves considering the scope of your analysis, the specific questions you aim to address, and the kind of data required to provide insights. Start by determining the type of analysis you want to perform and then look for datasets that match these criteria in our repository.

Can I combine datasets from different packages for my analysis?

Yes, you can combine datasets from different packages, provided that they are compatible in terms of the data they contain. It’s important to pay attention to the structure and format of the datasets to ensure they can be merged or joined correctly for analysis.

How can I find more information about a specific dataset?

Most datasets in the R environment come with documentation that includes detailed descriptions and usage examples. You can access this information using the help() function or ? operator.

Is there a way to practice data analysis with these datasets without any specific project in mind?

Yes, exploring datasets without a predefined project can be a great way to learn data analysis techniques. We suggest choosing a dataset that interests you and start asking questions about the data. For example, look for trends, outliers, or interesting relationships within the data and use various R packages to explore these aspects.


This guide marks the start of your exciting journey with R’s built-in datasets, offering the essentials needed to fully leverage their capabilities. Our goal is to empower R programmers, data scientists, and anyone eager to explore data with the means to uncover valuable insights. Now’s the moment to dive in, explore data, and set sail towards mastering R.

Happy programming!

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