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R Package Versions

Learn about the versions and update histories of popular R packages to stay informed on the latest developments

Analytical R programmer deep in thought while working, embodying a commitment to exploring data

Understanding version control in R packages

Exploring the version control practices of R packages provides insights into the evolution of features, bug fixes, and enhancements over time.

By understanding the versioning schemes and update histories, you can make informed decisions about package selection and determine compatibility with your data analysis workflows.

Table of R package versions

This table offers an overview of the version history and updates for all R packages. You can use it to track the progression of R package versions and ensure you are leveraging the most up-to-date features and functionalities.

Additional R package documentation resources

Explore our comprehensive resource guides related to various types of R documentation. These guides are valuable resources for accessing a wide range of information, making it easier to navigate R documentation in one place.

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